Feel better and work smarter
Stress Management Tips for Successful Online Learning by BSW.
This is one of the major problems which is bound to happen in an online-only environment. Your laptop can cause problems or sometimes you can have an internet connectivity issue.
While studying from home or wherever students may be, there can be more distractions than usual, especially with family and possibly younger siblings around. Hence, time management becomes more challenging
No one knows when this pandemic will end and this has certainly created a huge amount of anxiety issues and raised questions among the students about their academic futures.
While it’s difficult to keep a track of the days, keeping a track of your tasks shouldn’t be. Every Monday morning create a detailed list of everything that needs to be achieved; inclusive of deadlines, chores, responding to emails etc. This helps focus your attention, gives you direction and most of all a sense of purpose.
a. Even if things are really hard right now, some activities may still feel rewarding. What are your rewards? Catching up with friends, watching TV, exercising, reading, or another relaxing hobby? Schedule time to do these things after you have completed 60-90 minutes of class or work. b. Rewards feel more enjoyable if they come after a period of effort. They help us get motivated to do the effortful activity since it is tied to a reinforcing reward at the end. c. This cycle does not work in the reverse direction; doing the rewarding activity first (“I’ll just check social media before I start studying”) does not result in greater motivation.
One of the main things missing from your life due to lockdown is routine and consistency. So design a new one! Shape a new study time-table around your new online classes and go from there. Dedicate time for reading, studying for exams, as well as time for doing whatever you want to do! Break large projects down into small, manageable tasks. Each day, structure at least a few small tasks that you can cross off your to-do list to give you a sense of completion and accomplishment.
Given that you may not be attending class at a set time on a physical campus, finding the motivation to get started on coursework can be difficult. "When you don't see your home as a space of work, it's kind of a struggle to get in that mindset.”